Strategic plan
Our Mission
Empowering our students through respect, teamwork, and specialised education, to realise their potential.
Our Vision
Sir Keith Park aims to be a school of excellence which:
Consistently builds quality relationships
Respects the dignity and worth of individual students, and values their uniqueness;
Has high expectations for interactive learning and student achievement;
Is holistic in its provision for the educational, physical, emotional, cultural and social needs of its students;
Is an attractive, dynamic, well resourced, focused and safe learning environment;
Provides diverse, relevant, individualised programmes;
Recognises and respects the bicultural and multicultural diversity within our community;
Empowers students, staff and parents through support and whanaungatanga - the sense of group identity and belonging.
We will achieve this through:
Effective partnerships with whanau and wider community;
Knowledgeable, motivated staff working in transdisciplinary teams and using evidence based practice;
Open and effective communication;
Working with other agencies;
Facilitating leadership throughout the school.
He Ara Ngatahi – Getting it right, Together...
Our Whakatauki
Ehara taku toa i te takitahi, engari he toa takitini –
The result of one’s work and achievement is the product of many hands.
Our school whakatauki was chosen to emphasise our philosophy of fostering inter-dependence skills in all our students.
Inter-dependent: ‘dependent upon each other’
We believe our students are able to at least partially participate, and make simple personal choices in all aspects of their daily lives.